for a brighter tomorrow



With our extensive knowledge, our engineers are available to repair your lifts so that your business can run smoothly.


It is crucial that any maintenance are performed by engineers who have received the highest level of training.


It is not always the case where a full modernisation has to be carried out. We can budget your lift upgrade.

Door Lift

Our Work

Maintenance and repair, from a specialist lift company with a vast knowledge, gives you peace of mind to know that your equipment are in safe hands.

Our continued partnership with many other lift companies means we have gained a vast insight into our industry and the problems that customers commonly face across the country.

Our teams take great care when working at customer’s premises. All our operatives have had customer care training and are proud to be at the forefront of creating a stronger and more positive image of the company.

Fully Qualified & Insured

We pride ourselves on the highest standard of maintenance, carried out by our highly qualified lift engineers who have received the highest level of training and continuing personal development

If you have been told to upgrade your lift due to a fault that can not be rectified. We want to hear from you. We have expert in-house technicians and testers who can fault-find at a very level than normal lift engineers.
LOLER & SAFed Test

We provide the service of LOLER inspections ensuring that the lift is inspected every six months and also SAFed Supplementary Testing.

off contract repair

Our skilled engineers can perform repairs such as new autodiallers, door detectors, lift emergency lights, emergency alarm system, new audible alarm system.

Lifts Modernisation

We can provide you with the ideal solution and tailor your lift improvement to your budget based on our years of experience.

We provide reliables mobility in all types of building

high-rises, shopping malls, as well as residential and commercial settings.